The Davidoff Brand has a reputation for very high end cigars that carry a large amount of elegance and sophistication. I know certain people that won’t pay the price to try the limited edition blends that Davidoff comes out with and it’s their loss. The Year of the Snake (Made in connection with the Chinese New Year and Year of the Snake) is another good one by Davidoff and I’m very happy to say I got a chance to try one of these rare smokes yesterday. I always go to Cigarz on the Avenue, in Winter Park FL, when I want to get a special cigar. It’s owner, Don, never disappoints and always hands me something great. Yesterday he handed me the Davidoff Year of the Snake to try out with my father and cousin.
The cigar was purposely made in the classic cuban churchill size (7×48)..and thats not where the similarities end. Most cubans that I’ve smoked have great balance and refinement. This cigar gave the same feeling throughout. The strength was more on the medium side but had very good flavor and smoked extremely well. The contrcution was great with an eye-catching band. The ash was solid and the pull was perfect. This is one of those smokes that lives up to the limited edition name.
In conclusion…JK recommends. I always prefer a full-bodied cigar, so it takes a lot for me to endorse a medium or light cigar. This one is a solid. Try and find one if you can. Most online shops are sold out, so it will probably cost you $30+ at local retailers.